Oferta especial para
Quarta-feira de cura
"It was a great honour for me to be at the gathering and have the chance to share my music with all participants. I would like to offer you a special gift of a $100 discount on the full Total Soul Masterpiece.”
Soul Masterpiece© (SMP)
- It’s a music to transform your life
- A gift from the Divine directly to your heart!
This truly is a song from your Soul to your Soul, with the intention of awakening you to the Masterpiece of your life. May it inspire and empower you to live the life the Infinite desires for you.
The combination of all three (Music, Cosmic iSound & iCode) are designed to clear any blockages, harmonize your body system, and activate and align you with your Infinite Power and Gifts.
Robert Coxon says…
"Composing music is often an intellectual process, but then there is the art of being totally connected with the Universe and allowing the notes to pour through. This is a unique gift that I have... and wish to share with you. When I create your Soul Masterpiece I connect with your Universe, your Soul, as I am guided to manifest the perfect music (perfect melodies, perfect harmonies, perfect sounds) that can be the catalyst for personal healing, self-confidence, self-love... for you to be the Master of your life.”
Lilly Wong says…
“The Universe is constantly sending you messages of Light, Vibration and Consciousness.
I am a Cosmic Translator and as I transcribe the information, I create a special unique code (iCode) and sounds (iSounds) so that you can receive, remember and integrate those personal messages.”
The Result...
The Music, iCode and iSounds work together synergistically, unlocking old limiting patterns and accessing more possibilities in your life, reminding you of who you truly are as they elevate your energy, vibration and frequency to a state of greater harmony and alignment with your Divine Path.
For more information:
This offer is for this specific SMP:
● A recording with our comments to you about your Soul Masterpiece (by Robert and Lilly)
● A recording of Music (8-10 minutes piece channeled for you by Robert Coxon.)
● A recording of Cosmic iSounds (channeled by Lilly)
● An image of your Cosmic iCode (channeled by Lilly)
Its price is normally 597 USD, but for your participation in my interview during Healing Wednesday, organised by Lee & Monica, you get a discount of 100 USD.
You must purchase it through the online shop and use the coupon Kryon.
*** Coupon valid for one SMP Total.
*** Coupon valid until December 31st, 2023.
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